Artist Bio

William Buchholtz

(Bio as of June 2022)

William Buchholtz (Allison) “Pukinaage Mukwa – Conquering Bear”, Native American Flute, Piano and Organ (Algonquin/Metis) is a long-time resident of the Chicago area. He has been playing and recording music of many genres for over 40 years. He now performs Native American flute and piano in programming aimed at both children and adults. An adoptee, he recently confirmed his Native American heritage as a descendant of the Canadian Kichesipirini (Great River) Band of the Algonquin/Algonkin nation. Bill is primarily known for his ongoing work with numerous churches, interfaith, social justice and environmental groups, museums and cultural events including Pow Wows. For over 25 years, he has been working for the Native American Ministry of Presence of the United Methodist Church, as well as for the St. Kateri Center of the Archdiocese of Chicago, formerly called the Anawim Center. He has released his own CD The Journey Home, on which he plays both Native American flute and piano with features of his original songs. He has also appeared on a Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble CD.