Artist Bio

Vera Starbard

(Bio as of June 2022)

Vera Starbard, Dramaturg (she/her) T’set Kwei yóo x?at duwasáakw. Vera Starbard áyá ax? saayí. Dleit ?áa x?’éináx? Vera Marlene Bedard yóo x?at duwasáakw. Teeyneidi naax? x?at sitee. T’akdeintaan yádi. Wooshkeetaan dachx?án. Dena’ina dachx?án.Takjik’ ?wáan
áwé uháan. Shaan Seetx? x?at ?uwdiztee. Dgheyaytnux’ ?ux?aa.óo. 
Vera Starbard, T’set Kwei, is a Tlingit and Dena’ina writer and editor. Her mother is of the Teeyeineidi clan and her father is T’akdeintaan. Vera is Playwright-in-Residence at Perseverance Theatre
through the Andrew W. Mellon National Playwright Residency Program and Editor
of First Alaskans Magazine. Vera is also a writer for the PBS Kids animated children’s program Molly of Denali, which won a Peabody Award in 2020. Vera currently lives with her husband Joe Bedard (Inupiaq/Yup’ik/Cree) on the Dena’ina land around Dgheyaytnu – colonially called Anchorage, Alaska.