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Sensory-Friendly  /  Relaxed Performances

The sensory-friendly / relaxed performance of A Christmas Carol will be Sunday, December 29 at 2pm!

Use promo SENSORY when purchasing online or call the box office at 312.443.3800 (voice) or 312.443.3829 (TTY/TDD). Click the button below and enter the promo code below the calendar to unlock this performance.




If you would like to discuss disabled seating and accessibility with a ticket representative, please call the Box Office at 312.443.3800 or email for further information on any of our accessible services.


Phone: 312.443.3800
TTY/TDD: 312.443.3829
Group Sales: 312.443.3815

Open Daily, 12noon – 5pm.

On days with performances, the Box Office walk-up window is open one half-hour after curtain time.

What is a sensory-friendly / relaxed performance?

Sensory-friendly/relaxed performances are designed to create a performing arts experience that is intended for patrons who have autism or other social, cognitive and physical challenges that create sensory sensitivities and their families.


  • Lower sound level, especially for startling or loud sounds
  • House lights remain on at a low level during the performance
  • A reduction of strobe lighting or lighting focused on the audience
  • Patrons are free to talk and leave their seats during the performance
  • Designated quiet areas within the theater building
  • Space throughout the theater for standing and movement
  • Limited crowds and visitors at Goodman Theatre during the day and timing of the performance
  • Goodman Theatre staff trained to be inviting and accommodating to patrons’ needs.

Resources Available

To prepare for your visit, patrons attending the sensory-friendly/relaxed performance can also have access to resource materials that improve the comfort level. Resources include social stories, story synopsis, a seating map and Sensory Bags.

Sensory bags are available during all performances at Goodman Theatre. These bags contain noise-reducing headphones, two fidgets, a notebook and pen, a social story about visiting Goodman Theatre, and a picture communication keyring. Sensory Bags can be checked out at Guest Services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What kind of changes will be made to the production?

  • Lower sound level, especially for startling or jarring sounds
  • A reduction of strobe lights
  • The lights in the theater will remain at a low level during the performance
  • Patrons are free to talk or leave during the performance
  • There are designated Quiet Areas if patrons need a break from the performance

Q: Who should attend this performance?

The sensory-friendly/relaxed performance is specially designed for children and adults with sensory-input disorder, autism or other developmental or cognitive disabilities, as well as their families and caretakers. We promise a judgement-free and fun experience for the entire family. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Q: Can people without a sensory-input disorder attend this performance?

Yes, all individuals are welcome. As noted above, this performance will have specific alterations with individuals who have a sensory-input disorder in mind to create a comfortable, safe and welcoming environment. Individuals at this performance may talk during the performance or may leave the theater. We are a judgement-free zone!  All ticket buyers should be aware of these alterations.

Q: Can I bring fidget toys or headphones into the theatre?

Of course! We want you and your family to be comfortable.  Feel free to bring your fidgets, seat cushions, blankets, and headphones into the theatre. Our theatre tends to feel chilly, so we recommend dressing comfortably.

Q: Can I leave the theatre during the performance and be re-seated?

Yes, upon leaving the theatre, an usher will direct you to the restroom or the Quiet Area. With the help of an usher, you can be re-seated throughout the performance.

Q: Does the theatre have food and drinks?

To minimize the amount of time patrons are unmasked in the lobby, concessions will be closed. Water will be available for all guests.

Q:  How do I purchase tickets for the sensory-friendly/relaxed performance and what if I have specific seat questions or needs?

Tickets are available for purchase from our website or by phone at (312) 443-3800.  Use promo code SENSORY to unlock tickets to the sensory-friendly/relaxed performance online. If you have specific questions or seat needs, we recommend that you call the Box Office so that they can help to assist you.

Q: Who can I contact if I have questions about Goodman Theatre’s sensory-friendly/relaxed performances?

You can feel free to e-mail and we are happy to answer any questions.