Artist Bio

Rob Milburn and Michael Bodeen

(Bio as of January 2024)

ROB MILBURN & MICHAEL BODEEN (Sound Design and Composition) Milburn returns to Goodman Theatre where from the late 1980’s he spent 17 seasons as a composer or resident sound designer working on over 70 productions. Bodeen returns to the Goodman, where he previously worked on Mirror of the Invisible World, The Odyssey and productions of The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, among others. Broadway credits for Milburn & Bodeen include music composition and sound for Eureka Day, No Man’s Land & Waiting for Godot, The Miracle Worker; and sound for Sweat, The Price, Of Mice and Men and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, among others. They have created music and sound Off-Broadway, at many of America’s resident theaters (often at Steppenwolf) and at several international venues.