Artist Bio

Brad C. Light

(Bio as of June 2001)

Brad C. Light most recently appeared at the Goodman in Among the Thugs during the 2000/2001 Season. Prior to that, he appeared for a half season at the Actors The­atre of Louisville where he played Renfield in Dracula and Marley in A Christ­mas Carol. He has worked with numerous theaters in Chicago, including Step­penwolf, Roadworks, First Folio Shakespeare, Trap Door, Bailiwick and Mary­Arrchie Theatre Company, to name a few. He is a founding member of Dol­phinback Theatre Company where he performed in numerous productions, including Wallace Shawn’s one-man show The Fever and American Divine, which was co-produced with Traverse Theatre in Scotland. He has appeared in many commercials, independent films, and television shows and was last seen on CBS as Rico in the Walker Texas Ranger spin-off show Sons of Thunder.

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